Why Cate? | Biba ’19

October 24, 2017

Biba ’19

Santa Barbara, CA

From an early age I had heard amazing stories about Cate. When I arrived to attend the school I got to learn for myself that all of the stories of community, safety, beauty and a general tone of happiness were in fact true. Entering my junior year, Cate has only helped me flourish. When I first arrived I saw it as a safe place to make lasting memories, receive a brilliant education, and learn to apply values such as service and interiority to one’s daily life. What I didn’t know was how much Cate would hep me grow, both though my passions and personally.

This year I am the co-head of both Writing Dangerously, and Human Rights Watch. By running these clubs I get to explore my passions for both writing and human rights. At the same time, Cate pushes me out of my comforts zone by helping me realize a newfound love for singing, urging me to take classes I wouldn’t have originally chosen, and letting me try new sports I’ve never played in a safe and friendly environment. The same occurs in the classroom. All teachers have the student’s best interests at heart. While they challenge us with conversation based discussions, they also provide us with opportunities to think critically and will always offer a helping hand when students reach out to them for help.I chose to become a tour guide to share all these amazing parts of Cate with you. Welcome to Cate!