A Message from Alexandra Lockett

Dear Cate Community,

Last week, as I packed up my office and home and said goodbye to the Bay Area, my mind kept returning to Cate. I thought about all the wonderful people I’ve just started to get to know and those of you whom I will meet soon. I imagined what it would be like to wake up on the Mesa, to feel the spirit of the place as it ebbs and flows with each passing day and season. I reflected on how fortunate we all are to get the chance to do such meaningful work, steeped in purpose and in service of such remarkable young people. My joy and enthusiasm for my new and already beloved Cate community helped ease the sting of my Bay Area goodbyes and for that, I am very grateful. 

Today marks my first official day, and I am filled with profound humility and gratitude for the opportunity to serve as the first female Head of School for Cate. Coming to Cate and leading this community is a life-changing step forward for me, and I am energized by the dichotomy of carrying forward the legacy of this remarkable school with a clear and optimistic vision for its future. I am joining this extraordinary community of educators, administrators, and staff members who have dedicated their lives to shaping the minds and spirits of our students, and see joy and commitment that is inspiring as a leader. At this moment in history, it is more important than ever that we uphold Cate’s longstanding commitment to welcoming and sustaining a diverse community so that we ensure that our learning environment is fueled by a rich array of backgrounds, perspectives, and talents. Places like Cate are more important than ever – welcoming and diverse environments filled with supportive adults that make each student feel seen, valued, and included.

Over the past few months, as I have familiarized myself with the rich history, traditions, and spirit of Cate, I have been filled with a sense of awe and admiration for the exceptional work that takes place within these walls. I also know that the Cate of today was nurtured and shaped by generations of students, families, educators, and trustees and I intend to draw upon the collective wisdom of the extended Cate community as we move the School forward in innovative, intentional, and meaningful ways.

One of my greatest priorities as the new Head of School is to foster a culture of connection and collaboration. As we embark on this new chapter, let us embrace the energy and enthusiasm that comes with the beginning of something new. Just as our students are eager to learn, grow, and explore, my hope is that the extended Cate community can be in our own process of inquiry as we learn about each other and share our hopes for this next chapter for Cate. 

I also recognize that transitions are paradoxical – with the optimism of progress comes the fear of the unknown. As we move into this important moment in Cate’s history together, know that we are arm in arm, processing the full range of what lies ahead – the trials and triumphs, the joys and fears, and the possibilities and challenges.

While my initial focus will be on the community on the Mesa, I am eager to extend my efforts beyond the Mesa and create bridges that connect us with the wider Cate community network, spanning near and far. I am thrilled at the prospect of meeting each of you, and believe that your unique Cate stories hold great value and wisdom. Together, let us forge a shared vision and weave our aspirations into the very fabric of Cate, propelling us toward an inspiring future. 



Alexandra Lockett

Head of School