As we head into the final days of the year where giving and receiving gifts is central to many cultural practices, I find myself reflecting on the adage, “It is better to give than receive.” Here at Cate, our ethos of Servons codifies our shared belief that life is made meaningful through regular and generous …
Happy Fall Break! Today, our students are in various stages of travel on their way to their loved ones. We can already feel their absence here, yet we know how excited they are for this break and for the chance to reconnect with the people and places they know and love. As we all prepare …
Fall Family Weekend is an important milestone marking the halfway point between the start of school and Winter Break. Like the start to a story, this first chapter of the year holds clues and emerging themes that foreshadow what we might expect in the months to come. From my perspective, the level of engagement, high …
During my visits to 9th grade Humanities classes this week, I saw students simultaneously at ease and engaged as they wrestled to make meaning of a passage from Oedipus. Every time I get the opportunity to spend time in classrooms, I see the power of our inquiry method on display as students lean more into …