James Kellogg

805-684-4127 x259

AB, Amherst College
PhD, Geophysics, Harvard University

Jamie Kellogg's hiring has rectified one of the most glaring imbalances of the Cate Faculty, specifically the glut of Williams alumni relative to Amherst graduates. After graduating from Amherst with an AB in physics in 1994, Jamie went on to earn a PhD in Geophysics at Harvard University. While in Cambridge, Jamie also managed to woo the most desirable of young graduate students, a paleontologist named Susannah Porter.

Following graduation, Jamie and Susannah got married and moved west for postdoctoral fellowships at UCLA and later teaching positions at UCSB, Jamie as a lecturer and researcher, and Susannah as tenure-track junior faculty. Jamie quickly realized that he vastly preferred teaching to research, and began applying to independent schools both in Santa Barbara and Seattle, where Susannah's family is located. He wound up taking a one-year position at Lakeside School in Seattle, teaching physics and chemistry and advising the Lakeside Cryptozoological Society (aka the Sasquatch Club) and the Lakeside Association of Wanna-Be String Theorists (aka LAWST).

In a brilliant stroke of luck, a physical sciences position opened up at Cate, and Jamie and Susannah were able to return to Santa Barbara where they reside with their sons Willie and Samuel.