Rebekah Barry

805-684-4127 x228

MA, Brown University
MA, John Hopkins' School of Advanced International Studies
BA, Fort Lewis College

After graduating from college, Rebekah moved to Washington, DC, where she worked in the realm of national security (including positions at the Pentagon and National Defense University). Rebekah then went on to earn an MA in international relations at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Relations, ultimately moving to Istanbul to complete her thesis research. She later returned to the East Coast to pursue a second graduate degree in Anthropology at Brown University. It was as a graduate teaching assistant at Brown that Rebekah discovered her longer-term interest lay in curriculum design and teaching. Prior to joining Cate, Rebekah served as Adjunct Faculty, Adjunct Faculty Advisor, and Curriculum Developer for Air University’s “Introduction to Culture” program.

Rebekah teaches in Cate’s History Department, where she has taught US History, Humanities, and now World History. She also offers an advanced senior elective on the “Anthropology of Global Issues” and an interdisciplinary senior elective on “Gender Matters.” Additionally, Rebekah is the Chair of the Inclusive Teaching Design Team, which focuses on improving diversity, equity, and inclusion in the classroom.

Rebekah lives on Mesa with her husband and two sons. When not immersed in boarding school life, Rebekah and her family enjoy exploring Southern California.