Alicia Hammond

805-684-4127 x302

BA, Colby College
MALS, Dartmouth College

A fourth-generation Californian, Alicia’s educational foundation and passion for teaching were cultivated during her childhood on the Monterey Peninsula, where she developed a love of the outdoors, a tie to the Pacific, and a fervor for backpacking in the Los Padres National Forest.

Alicia has spent her entire adult life living on boarding school campuses, including over a decade on campuses in northern New England. At Colby, Dartmouth, and Dublin School, she learned to love the rigors and traditions of New England educational communities. As Maya Angelou so wisely wrote, however, “The ache for home lives in all of us,” and she felt her roots in California tugging her gently yet firmly back to the West Coast.

In her time outside of the classroom, Alicia enjoys running, reading, hiking, camping, and traveling with her family.