Planned Giving

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The Cate Legacy Society

The Cate Legacy Society (CLS) honors those who name the School as a beneficiary of a will, trust, retirement plan, life insurance policy, or other planned gift. Today, membership includes over 270 individuals – an extraordinary testament to Cate’s enduring values.

Planned giving means making a deferred gift to Cate – informing us that you have, or intend to, remember the School in your estate plans. Planned gifts are established now but not realized by the School until death. Joining the Cate Legacy Society is expressing an intention and not a legally binding commitment. We understand that plans change over time as circumstances and family needs change. Thoughtfully constructed planned gifts can help you meet personal planning goals while making a meaningful contribution to Cate. You do not need an estate attorney or financial planner to join the Cate Legacy Society, though you will need one to create an estate plan.

Start the Conversation

To learn more about making a planned gift to Cate, please contact:

Andrew MacDonnell
Director of Institutional Advancement

805-684-8409 ext. 281 or

Nelson Jones ’48 – Introduces The Cate Legacy Society

Baret Bertea Walker ’84 – Cate really made a difference in my life and I want to honor that fact.

Eric Taylor ’80 — Cate is very special place; joining the Cate Legacy Society was an easy way to help keep the good work at Cate going.

Janet (Jenny) Jones – Cate is part of my family.

Kevin O’Connor – Make sure your estate goes to people and causes Important to you.

Burgess Peck ’90 – My dream is that Cate will be ‘need blind.’

Stan Cochran ’51 – Make it simple for your heirs and do a good turn for Cate.

John Hamilton ’59 – I can do the best job of allocating my resources now.

David Horowitz – Keep it Simple!

Bill New ’59 — You Don’t Have to be Old to be in the Cate Legacy Society

Rick Baum ’64 — Develop an estate plan that will benefit your family and Cate.

Steve Giusto ’80 — Each year that goes by I recognize more fully the gift that Cate was for me.

Dr. Sanderson M. Smith P’83 and ’90, Faculty 1964-2004 — Planning is important!

Important Times by Peter King ’80

Sanderson Smith, Cate math faculty for 40 years, explains why a living trust
Contrary to common belief, a living trust is not a concept that benefits only the wealthy. It can, in fact, be of tremendous benefit to those with modest estates. My very recent experience is evidence of this. More

Why the Gail and Ed Miller Family Decide on Cate as an IRA Beneficiary
When Dr. and Mrs. Edward Miller of Las Vegas Nevada sent their son, Andy ’87, and daughter, Liza ’90, to the Mesa, they did not realize the lasting impact Cate would have on all of their lives. Recently, Ed and Gail designated Cate a beneficiary in their IRA. Here all the members of the Miller family describe their reasons for supporting Cate. More

Bargain Sale — Good for Me, Good for Cate
In 1982, my wife Jo and I purchased what was then known as the “Hales Ranch” on Lillingston Canyon in Carpinteria. More

4 to 1 Leverage Make Cate the Choice as Our IRA Beneficiary
I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how impressed I am with the stewardship at Cate School going into our 100-year celebration, the Centennial. More

Doing Well By Doing Good — A Letter From Bob Kirby on CRTs
Several years ago I found myself in the position of holding a very low cost security that was subject to a call at the current market price by another party. I was certain that the security would be called and therefore faced the prospect of having the value of the asset reduced by about 25% due to federal and state capital gains taxes. More

The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. Figures cited in examples are for hypothetical purposes only and are subject to change. References to estate and income taxes include federal taxes only. State income/estate taxes or state law may impact your results.




Bequest Language – The Easiest Way

A charitable bequest is one or two sentences in your will or living trust that leaves Cate School a sum, tangible property, a percentage of your estate, or a gift contingent upon certain events.

Specific Bequest to Cate School

A specific bequest gives a specific item or specific piece of property to Cate School. Such bequests are fulfilled first, before cash and residuary bequests. If the donor disposes of the specified property during his or her lifetime, there will be no bequest to Cate School.

“I give ________________ (describe asset) to Cate School, a California non-profit corporation (tax ID Number: #95-1644630), 1960 Cate Mesa Road, Carpinteria, CA 93013, to further the objectives and purposes of Cate.”

Cash Bequest to Cate School

A cash bequest provides Cate School with a specified sum of money from a donor’s estate. These bequests are fulfilled second, after specific and before residuary bequests.

“I give _____ Dollars ($_____) to Cate School, a California non-profit corporation (tax ID Number: #95-1644630), 1960 Cate Mesa Road, Carpinteria, CA 93013 to further the objectives and purposes of Cate.”

Residuary Bequest to Cate School

A residuary bequest is made from the residue, or what remains in a donor’s estate after specific and cash bequests, taxes, settlement costs and debts are satisfied. This type of bequest is sensitive to changes in the size of the estate over time.

“I give the residue (or _____ percent of the residue) of my estate to Cate School, a California non-profit corporation (tax ID Number: #95-1644630), 1960 Cate Mesa Road, Carpinteria, CA 93013, to further the objectives and purposes of Cate.”

Planned Giving Videos

These animated videos provide general information about estate plans and planned giving.